HOA Committees


The Savannahs HOA has authorized a number of committees to advise/assist the SHOA BOD in managing information, developing recommendations, assisting with Board functions, and pursuing community interests. The following are the committees that are currently authorized or being considered. If interested in learning more or participating in any of these committees, just send an email to the committee email address listed.

Architectural Review Committee

Chair – arc@thesavannahshoa.org (Need volunteers, email your interest to bod@thesavannahshoa.org)

The “ARC” is perhaps the committee that homeowners are most likely to come into contact with. This committee is part of every HOA, and is charged with preserving the aesthetic standards the community has established. The ARC receives, reviews, and approves/disapproves requests by homeowners for new construction or changes to the external appearance of homes. The purpose of the ARC is to ensure that changes that a homeowner is contemplating are consistent with community aesthetic values and established standards. For more information information on how to submit an ARC request can be found Here.

Bylaws Committee

Chair – Vacant (Need volunteers, email your interest to bod@thesavannahshoa.org)

The Bylaws Committee is working on behalf of the BOD and community to overhaul/update the bylaws to incorporate recent changes to the HOA and state law. The focus of the changes are to remove references to the original developer, to include the Community Development District function, to incorporate improvements to the election process, and to ensure compliance with recent changes to Florida statutes regarding HOAs. Later, this committee will also be updating other governing documents of the HOA.

Enforcement Review Committee

Chair – Vacant (Need volunteers, email your interest to bod@thesavannahshoa.org)

Our Savannahs neighborhood is a lovely place to call home, raise a family, and retire to. The aesthetic standards that make this so are defined in our governing documents, primarily the Covenants and Restrictions, which are legally binding to all homeowners under Florida Statutes. Savannahs homeowners are usually respectful of these standards and rules, but occasionally violations do occur. When noted, homeowners receive several reminders specifying the infraction and what’s needed to correct it. If the problem is not addressed, a fine can be assessed by the HOA Board of Directors (BOD). The HOA has established an Enforcement Review Committee (ERC) that reviews all fining actions of the Board and determines whether they are valid or not. The ERC is comprised of homeowners and is completely independent of the BOD. The ERC reviews the actions of the BOD and hears the appeal of the homeowner (if any) before rendering a decision. If the decision is not to uphold the fine, the fine is dismissed. If the fine is upheld, the homeowner is required by law to pay it within five days of the ERC’s decision.

Clubhouse Administration Committee

Chair – Vacant – (Need volunteers, email your interest to bod@thesavannahshoa.org)

The Clubhouse Administration Committee works with the Board of Directors, Golf Club team, Restaurant Concessionaire, and Homeowners to facilitate the use, maintenance, and improvements to our clubhouse. This committee works to support maintenance requests like AC and plumbing repairs, improvements to our common area assets that help to increase revenue opportunities like expanding our seating options, and other enhancement ideas. The committee gathers input, devices plans, gathers quotes, and presents initiatives to the BOD for voting at regular HOA MOD Meetings. This committee could expand to include all common area asset administration for the HOA as it grows.

Communications Committee

Chair – Vacant – Email: savannahscommunications@gmail.com (Need volunteers, email your interest to bod@thesavannahshoa.org)

The Communications Committee strives to make it easy for every homeowner to receive/access information regarding the community, initiate communications (e.g., questions, suggestions) to the Board of Directors, and to receive communications from the Board or other entities within the HOA. The committee manages the community’s email distribution (Savannahs Communications), its events calendar, the community newsletter, and the Savannahs HOA website.

Election Committee

Chair – Vacant (Need volunteers, email your interest to bod@thesavannahshoa.org)

The Election Committee is responsible for all elections and membership voting processes. The Election Committee consists of a minimum of five persons. Any qualified SHOA Member may volunteer to serve on the EC by contacting the President of the BOD or by volunteering from the floor of any BOD meeting.

Finance Committee

Chair – Vacant (Need volunteers, email your interest to bod@thesavannahshoa.org)

The Finance Committee is a new committee just recently getting underway. Committee members assist the Treasurer with planning and management of the budget, conducting audits of the HOA’s financial records, procurement of goods and services, and—as homeowners themselves—providing needed homeowner oversight and input to the process.

Marketing Committee

Chair – Vacant (Need volunteers, email your interest to bod@thesavannahshoa.org)

Following the transfer of the golf course to the HOA, a Marketing Committee was initiated by the HOA to assist the CDD and golf course manager in promoting the golf course and restaurant and working toward self- sustaining operations. The committee develops ideas and engages in activities including branding, marketing initiatives, and community involvement that promote the Savannahs Golf Course and Clubhouse to Brevard County residents and guests.

Welcome Committee

Chair – Marsha Helms
Email – welcome@thesavannahshoa.org

The Welcome Committee is often the first direct contact a new homeowner has with the Association. One or more members of the committee meets each new homeowner within a few days of their arrival and provides them a small welcome gift and an information packet containing governing documents, contact numbers, email information, and much, much more.

Work Committee

Chair – Vacant (Need volunteers, email your interest to bod@thesavannahshoa.org)

The Work Committee was created in February 2019 by the HOA BOD to organize and execute volunteer projects to enhance, beautify, or compliment the Savannahs community. The committee performs the following functions: Identify and assess projects approved by the HOA BOD; determine the required scope of work and estimated costs to complete the project; call for volunteers to perform the project and oversee the work; provide liaison with and oversight of contractors (if needed); and report on project completion and final costs. In time, the committee will also assist with hurricane preparation in support of homeowners who require assistance.